Monday, December 4, 2006


We want to have a fairly small, simple wedding. We both are hoping for something that is truly meaningful, worshipful and special. That means that the way we approach some elements of the wedding ceremony and festivities surrounding it are going to be...different. Everything that day will be focused around kicking off our marriage in a special way, all the while having friends and family there to join us in the experience.

I've been fascinated to find out in our research that so much is devoted to making the best experience possible for the guests. One magazine or Web site even said something to the effect of "most of the time the guests care most about two things: the bride's dress and how good the cake is."

Really? If that's sad.

We've thrown out all the ideas of what a wedding *should* be like. We can say with great certainty that many of the elements of a "typical, traditional" wedding really turn us off. Our ceremony and reception may make some of our guests walk away saying, "Well, that was kind of different," but we want that statement to be followed by, "but it was really nice."

We want our guests to enjoy themselves, but we also can't help but think that spending ridiculous amounts of money on extra stuff, fancier cake, and a super-elegant wedding dress is not necessarily good stewardship.

We welcome your comments. I especially would like to hear about what's most important to you as a wedding guest. Is the cake really number one in your eyes? Do you first look to see what the couple's colors are? Are you most interested in the bride's dress? What would you think of a wedding that breaks away from the norm?

God bless.


Anonymous said...

I think that the most important thing about planning a wedding is that it is special to you, your fiancee and your new son. It really doesnt matter what others think. If your friends and family love and support you, then they will think your wedding will be wonderful. Yes, I wouldn't be a girl if I didn't say that I loooked at the dress and ring, but I really like to see how happy and in love the new couple are.

-Mandy Evan said...

A lot of wedding traditions have negative origions and why do something that is "supposed" to be done? Especially if it has no meaning to you. I can't wait now to see what is "different". Yay weddings!

-And I like cake. But then, I like cake of any kind.

Anonymous said...

Been to a couple of weddings, traditional and not-so-by-the-book. I liked the second one the best because it was so relaxed.
The couple spoke their vows loud enough for all to hear (touching) and they actually interacted with their guests afterwards instead of running around getting endless photos taken, then whisking away. They actually treated us like we were invited because we were special in their lives, not just a bunch of witnesses with gifts.
In the end, your friends will be happy for you whether you have wedding cake or fruitcake!